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Get prepared for World Heart Day

World Heart Day is coming up at the end of this month on September 29th.  Is it a worthwhile awareness day to promote to your employees?

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the #1 leading cause of death and disability in the world today, with over 17.5 million deaths world wide, including from heart attack and stroke.
World Heart Day aims to raise awareness and promote healthy lifestyle changes with the goal in reducing the overall burden and damage that these conditions bring.

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Any disease affecting the heart and blood vessels (vascular system) constitutes as a CVD. Some of the more common types or names you will hear include heart attacks, strokes, coronary heart disease, and angina.
Prevention is better than cure:

Some of the easiest yet most effective strategies for reducing your CVD risk include addressing your physical activity levels, nutrition habits, alcohol intake, or if a smoker, by quitting.
Why not take part in World Health Day by organizing a health event at your workplace through organizing a lunch time walking group or fitness class, running a healthy breakfast or lunch for your team, a Know your Numbers workshop, or by conducting employee health screens to help raise awareness amongst your employee group of their key health risks.
By the year 2030, the World Heart Federation estimates that CVD will be responsible for 23 million premature deaths worldwide. The upside is CVD can be prevented, and the best thing to do is be proactive in getting ahead of the game by taking action on World Health day, and get the ball rolling towards a healthier and happier heart!
For more information on World Heart Day and for assistance in arranging any World Heart Day events, please contact the Healthy Performance office to assist in any enquiries. 

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