If you’re sitting down reading this, then you might find yourself standing by the time you’ve clicked our link to an alarming news story about exercise levels amongst our children! A research study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has shown that exercise levels start to drop considerably from the age of seven years old.
As adults, we can’t afford to continue this apparent trend, so think about what you could do to be more active today, particularly in your place of work. Many of us are glued to our computers during our day at work, so we need to take personal responsibility to stand up more!
At HP Towers, our ceiling lights go off if we haven’t moved for 15 minutes. It’s a great prompt to put the kettle on or grab the table tennis bats! And we try to take a 10 min walk at lunchtime to stretch the legs and clear the mind. Some organisations have stand up meetings (a great way to ensure you stick to the agenda and keep it short!) and others are great believers in ‘walking meetings’.
So don’t just sit there, stand up and make today your first day of standing more than sitting…