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Pancake Day 2021 – Our Favourite Sweet, Savoury and Vegan Recipes

With pancake day 2021 just around the corner (Tuesday 16th February) and lockdown 3.0 still currently in place, why not give flipping some pancakes a go? After all, what else is there to do on a Tuesday evening?

At Healthy Performance, we like to encourage balance. Nutrition is not about living off lettuce leaves for the rest of your life, but about enjoying treats in moderation while eating well much of the time. Therefore, we are not going to throw a bunch of healthy pancake recipes your way when most of us love to load teaspoons of sugar and chocolate spread on our pancakes.

However, this collection of sweet and savoury recipes below does include a mixture of healthy(ish) and absolutely not healthy recipes for you to choose from.

Savoury Pancake Recipes

For those of you who love to have pancakes for dinner AND dessert, these savoury recipes are perfect for you!

Spinach and Tuna Pancakes

These wholesome spinach and tuna pancakes are both delicious and nutritious, delivering 3 of your 5-a-day in each portion!

The high protein count will help you to stay fuller for longer with the tuna containing all the essential amino acids that are required by the body for growth and maintenance of lean muscle tissue. Canned tuna can also be a good source of heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

Spinach is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron.

Servings: 2
Calories per serving: 539
Carbs: 48g
Protein: 38g
Fat: 19g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Sweetcorn Pancakes with Fried Eggs & Chorizo Salsa

This recipe is not the healthiest choice but is certainly sure to satisfy! However, although it is higher in calories, carbohydrates, and fat than the previous recipe, there are still some health benefits behind its ingredients.

The sweetcorn pancakes are high in fibre and as we know, dietary fibre is important for our health. It aids with digestion, can decrease the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes all while helping you to stay fuller for longer.

To accompany the sweetcorn pancakes, the fried egg topping provides a very good source of high-quality protein.

Servings: 2
Calories per serving: 875
Carbs: 92g
Protein: 40g
Fat: 37g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Smoked Ham and Cheese Pancakes

Is there any better comfort combination that ham and cheese? We think not!

This recipe has a lower protein content that our last two savoury suggestions, so for a higher protein dinner why not try subbing out the ham for some chicken? Or to reduce the fat content, you could swap the gruyere for a lower-fat alternative.

Servings: 4
Calories per serving: 327
Carbs: 23g
Protein: 15g
Fat: 19g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Vegan Savoury Pancakes

Decided to extend Veganuary into February? Even if you don’t choose to stick to the vegan diet full time, these dairy and egg-free savoury pancakes with a creamy tomato and mushroom topping are definitely ones to try!

Servings: 2
Calories per serving: 609
Carbs: 59g
Protein: 18g
Fat: 35g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Sweet Pancake Recipes

Got a sweet tooth? We’ve got you covered!

American Blueberry Pancakes

These pancakes are an American classic and the perfect pancake day treat! Stack ‘em high and serve with syrup and extra fruit.

Servings: 10 pancakes
Calories per pancake: 108
Carbs: 18g
Protein: 4g
Fat: 3g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Lemon Drizzle Pancakes

Based on a classic bake, these ultra-indulgent pancakes are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

Servings: 4
Calories per serving: 560
Carbs: 67g
Protein: 12g
Fat: 26g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Vegan Pancakes

Decided to extend Veganuary into February? Even if you don’t choose to stick to the vegan diet full time, these vegan pancakes are delicious and are made using your favourite plant-based milk. Suggested toppings include vegan chocolate chips, berries, or whatever else you’re craving.

Servings: 16 pancakes
Calories per pancake: 90
Carbs: 16g
Protein: 3g
Fat: 1g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Healthy Pancakes

This recipe is lower in calories and fat, leaving you with additional calories to top them off with whatever treat takes your fancy. Alternatively, if you want to keep them healthy, try adding fresh fruit and low-fat Greek yogurt as your topping!

Servings: 10-12 pancakes
Calories per pancake: 53
Carbs: 8g
Protein: 3g
Fat: 1g

View the full recipe on BBC Good Food.

Let us know if you try any of these recipes – happy flipping!

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