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Red flag signs of bowel cancer are being missed

Bowel Cancer Awareness

One in five bowel cancer patients diagnosed in an emergency had “red flag” symptoms that should have been picked up earlier, a study in the British Journal of Cancer suggests.  And 16% of emergency bowel cancer patients had seen their GP three times or more with relevant symptoms. The UK research found that on average, … Read more

Lifestyle issues costing the NHS £11billion per year


Health problems such as poor diet, drinking and smoking are costing the NHS in England more than £11billion each year, the Public Health England (PHE) say. Furthermore, officials from the Government body say that unless lifestyle issues are tackled more effectively the NHS will become unaffordable. It warns conditions such as diabetes and smoking-related bronchitis are a new … Read more

Stoptober and the role of e-cigarettes in the workplace

Back in 2010, a fascinating piece of research from Policy Exchange found that smoking breaks at work alone was costing the British economy £2.9billion per year.  Loss of productivity from early death due to smoking also cost UK Plc £4.1 billion.  On the flip side of this, Public Health England announced this week that smoking rates in England … Read more

Get prepared for World Heart Day

Blood Pressure

World Heart Day is coming up at the end of this month on September 29th.  Is it a worthwhile awareness day to promote to your employees? Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the #1 leading cause of death and disability in the world today, with over 17.5 million deaths world wide, including from heart attack and stroke. World … Read more